Thursday, March 10, 2016

WHERE ARE THE PARENTS? Our Children's Trust Press Conference at Federal Court

Thank you, Our Children's Trust and Dr Hansen, legal and other staff/volunteers/followers for helping to lead the inspire All of US to keep earth livable now and generations from now..... * to leave the dinosaurs in the ground * harvest free, infinite supplies of 100% solar and wind energy and other renewables that can power an infinitely prosperous and rewarding Renewable Energy Economic Renaissance to lift All 100% up to light, peace, prosperity enough for all to share enough to free the many from want and free US and our world from hateful hell on earth that destroys us * to shift alway now asap immediately from our dirty, deadly hateful fossil fuel addictions and sprawl now to harvest positive flows of positive forms of energy to lift us up instead....away from dead energies that do not need transport, "cleaning"...processing, shipping, train bombs, truck bombs, cashflow floods to bribe our government to crush constitutional rights to fill private fossil fuel pocketbooks with cash-flow floods that crush life on earth, causing our 6th extinction that violates our Constitution, international laws and treaties, laws of science, laws of nature, laws of moral reciprocity * to use our private/personal/corporate expertise as concerned citizens and/or public representatives.... and our willing and helpful energy industry expertise of an industry that cares about their own children, paid or not to help All 100%, all life to shift now * shift now from deadly dirty fossil fuels (even "clean" natural gas that is not)...dirty dead energy combustion causing hell on earth.... * shift now to Renewable Energy Independence, Freedom to grow heaven on earth instead to lift all up to light * to harvest 100% Renewable Energy by 2050, 80% by 2030, 100% Doable ( 2015, 2015 ; Jacobson MZ (Stanford) 2015 2016 ) * to harvest free, uplifting, infinite supplies of nature's free flows of sun, wind, etc...the real definition of "freedom from want and fear"..."mariah".. * to grow a safer, more affordable, more functional, cleaner, greener, more productive, more positive, healthier Renewable Energy Economic Renaissance + Absorbent Green Watersheds to free the many from our addictions to dirty energy of cashflow floods that are killing US (including kicking our addictions to deadly dirty tar sands "natural gas" that is not "natural" or "safe" or "clean"...but is instead 20 to 100 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas/GHG than carbon dioxide/CO2 that has already baked and drowned earth)....enough * to enable earth's hidden genetic potentials, genius in every living cell seed, seedling, soil, self, whole to reach up toward light of our sun free from toxic forces of the grow heaven on earth instead * redefine our word "eco+nomic" as more than mechanical rates of human cash that crush life on earth.....but as an important tool of human cash to build great cities and great civilizations that also need to nurture nature's hidden genetic potentials to produce enough abundant riches to count + to produce enough critical but uncountable flows cycles logic synergy productivity of by for life, critical flows of air, oxygen as green O2 produced by green photosynthesis of plants <=> red CO2 produced by red respiration of hemoglobin of animals to balance nature's budget of critical flows cycles of by for life on earth....enough to survive and to thrive now and generations from now..... * convert impermeable, toxic, harsh surfaces to....absorbent, green, growing, native watersheds with deep roots protecting our fragile but uncounted web for all life to absorb carbon/C from our atmosphere now to help lower climate carbon enough to * keep global heating to less than 1.0 degree C (since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution about 150 years ago) essential to keep earth livable now and generations from now (1.0 degree C lower than 1.5 or 2.0 degrees......1.5 degree C as opposed to 1.5 or 2.0 degrees C agreed upon at COP21 in Paris in December, 2015): Climate Scientist James Hansen of NASA warned US in 2007 that a 2 degree increase in temperature would cause earth to become "uninhabitable" the Paris COP21 voted for a limit of 2 degrees C....with a goal of 1.5 degrees C. That that is still inadequate with the rapidly accelerating costs and consequences of global carbon emissions that have already caused catastrophic effects....such as 3 to 5 of the most powerful storms to ever hit land hitting the South Pacific and other areas in the last 3 to 5 years....meaning that this is a Climate Emergency. * convert impermeable surfaces to absorbent, green, growing watersheds of abundant, critical but hidden wonders of nature to grow upwards toward light enough to produce abundant riches to count + to produce critical but uncountable flows cycles logic synergy productivity enough to reach up toward light of our sun enough to lift all up, to activate dying water cycles, air cycles, life cycles, to grow heaven on earth instead... * let nature do the work to heal a broken fill in hungry voids of the negative, to grow upwards toward light of our sun enough to produce abundant riches to lift all produce critical flows of air, water, topsoil, green, food, shelt satisfy basic critical needs wants desires dreams of any living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole of the holy enough, divine blessings enough to lift all up to light of our sun enough to produce abundant peace and prosperity enough for all to share from deadly want and fear of cashflow floods that crush us. * count more than private/immediate/obvious/everyday bank accounts of mechanical rates of human cash that crush life on earth * count cash and also count critical flows of by for life producing enough for the many to consume…..count and value vulnerable public infrastructure foundations that need to count human cash for a public budget….but also need to plant/grow/protect nature’s fragile but critical but uncountable photosynthetic abundance and enough to produce critical flows enough to satisfy basic critical needs wants desires dreams of the many in our cities…critical flows such as air and green oxygen as O2 impossible to count in mechanical rates of human cash * care about life and nurture the ability of nature to nurture us….for us to survive and to thrive, to produce positives enough to activate hidden genetic potentials in many exponentially….enough to care about your own children's futures, your own future now and generations from now inalienable...

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