GOP Lamar Smith R-Tx in My US House Is Unqualified to Chair My US House Science Committee and needs to learn to count mechanical rates of private cash in only one private bank account now....and learn to value life, their own children's futures, their own now.
Lamar Smith, R-Tx in my US House of Representatives and chair of my US House Science committee needs to go back to school....and step down from the US House Science Committee. He and other cash-driven oil-soaked GOP "climate change deniers" need to step down and resign from my US House Science committee and go back to school learn that every action causes an outcome....positive actions causing positive actions slowly to lift all up to light of our sun enough to produce abundant riches + to produce critical flows of air to breathe, water to drink, soil to grow food and shelter and nurturing parents enough to hold our fragile web for all life intact....instead of crushing life on earth....and that every negative actions causes a negative outcome easy cheap quick to suck all down into the negative easy cheap in self-destruct.
We cannot afford "public representatives" in my US Congress that limit their counts to mechanical rates of privatized dead energy industry counts of private cash in only one private bank account now of by for a cash-driven my expense.....while crushing my family and I now and generations from now.
But some just don't get it and limit their counts to privatized, immediate, obvious rates of human cash, deadly cashflow floods of by for only our expense....that crush life on earth.
Cash-Driven ExxonKochBPShellHalliburton, Incorporated: Help your own children to build a #100PercentRenewableEnergyRenaissance Now ....or Get out of the way......... or help transition now asap from a deadly destructive costly explosive disintegrating dying cash-driven and cash-dictated dead energy economy that is crushing shift immediately to a safer, more affordable, more functional, cleaner, greener, more growing, more productive, more positive, more lasting, healthier, happier etc etc 100% Renewable Energy Economy Renaissance of Cost-Saving Efficiency enough to lift All 100% up to light enough to fulfill all basic critical needs wants desires dreams of the many, of our own selves even a cash-driven 1% up to infinite and generations from now.
We need the cash-driven dead energy representatives in my public US House of Representatives to help save their nation from their selves.....or to get out of the way....
It's the children's turn to lead, instead.
Fact: James L. Powell discovered that many more than the number "97%" of scientists accept the fact that humans have caused global heating over the last 150 years of industrialization....but he has discovered that an astonishing 99.99% of climate scientists agree (more than "97%") that 1) carbon emissions are heating earth's climate, atmosphere, air, oceans, ice, watersheds, water cycles, air cycles and more to dangerous and deadly levels that are causing catastrophic consequences and costs that cost US and our world too much, Hurricane Haiyan that hit the Philippines the most powerful storm to ever hit land in human history......and that 2) human industrialization (and urbanization) fueled by fossil fuels for the last 150 years has caused the catastrophic heating of our ironically fragile but critical whole earth systems of critical flows of air and water and temperatures that buffer life and make life possible on earth.
But some just don't get it and limit their counts to mechanical rates of human cash crushing life on earth....conspiring to block and crush critical flows of critical information and critical resources, critical flows, cycles, productivty resources of nature's hidden genetic potentials, genius, natural economic capital of by for enabling life on earth to reach upwards toward light of our sun enough to produce abundant riches to count + to produce critical but uncountable flows, cycles, structures, functions, productivity of critical flows of breathable oxygen, drinkable water, rich, organic topsoil to grow food and shelter to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.
But some idiots limit their counts to mechanical rates of human cashflow floods that crush life on earth, cashflow floods of flat, linear, obstructive urban walls and barriers that a cash-driven 1% erect to keep one cash-driven private self in and the many out, even obstructing critical flows of O2, H2O, topsoil, green productivity into our cities that our cities need to nurture the many....crushing life instead.
So-called "public representatives" in my US Congress have sworn to my god and to uphold my US Consititutiton, The Rule Of Law and moral laws of reciprocity......that they would protect me, my family, my nation from enemies here and not here, even those that crush life on earth.
Republican GOP President George Bush Senior Appointed James Lawrence Powell to our US National Science Foundation....and Powell discoverd that essentially All 100% of real climate scientists agree that 1) earth's climate is heating to dangerous levels that threaten us.....and that 2) humans have caused that deadly heating and need to do something to reduce emissions enough to keep global heating below 1.5 to 2 degrees centigrade (since the beginnings of the Human Industrial Revolution more than 150 years ago.
Powell discovered that all real Climate Science Authors that he surveyed (99.99% .....not "97%") ....and that 100% of Climate Science Peer-Reviewed Scientific Articles on Climate Science (99.99%...not "97%) agree scientifically in consensus as scientific fact that 1) earth's climate is heating to dangerous levels that threaten the ability of life on earth to survive and that 2) humans have caused that catastrophic escalation of global temperatures that are now causing a "6th Extinction" on earth, the Anthropocene that human carbon emissions (as CO2 and Cxyz#(*$)#&%(*#@^&#).... "(Powell) found that only 5 of 24,210 (scientific climate peer reviewed) articles and 4 of 69,406 authors rejected anthropogenic global warming, showing that the consensus on AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) is above 99.9% and likely verges on unanimity." i.e.......Powell discovered that much fewer than than 1%.....0.02065 PERCENT...... ESSENTIALLY THAT NO PEER REVIEWD ARTICLES REJECT THE FACT THAT HUMANS ARE CAUSING GLOBAL HEATING....AND 0.00576 PERCENT OF AUTHORS ....I.E. NO AUTHORS OR REPUTABLE SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES "DENY" THAT HUMANS ARE CAUSING GLOBAL HEATING AND THAT GLOBAL HEATING IS CAUSING CATASTROPHIC CHANGES ON EARTH THAT THREATEN LIFE ON EARTH, HUMANS CAUSING THE 6TH EXTINCTION, THE "ANTHROPOCENE".. " Only 5 of 24,210 articles and 4 of 69,406 authors rejected anthropogenic global warming....." Those 5 articles and 4 authors may have been funded (perhaps under the table) by a cash-driven fossil fuel industry that has spent miliions, billions, trillions of dollars to manufacture deadly obstructions to critrical flows of critical public and lifeweb information and crirtical resources for the simplistic and deadly purpose of filling only one privage bank accout of a cash-driven dead energy industry (e.g. cash-driven dead energy industries, Exxon, Koch, BP, Shell, Halliburton, KeystoneXL of the Kochs that have verified that those private profiteers value private profit in only one private bank account for only one self now more than the survival of their own children and their private selves and families now and generations from now..)
If the GOP clowns on my US House Science Committee in Washington DC cannot understand basic principles of science and cannot dare to challenge the cash-driven dead energy fossilized fuel industries that threaten to crush life on earth....then we need new so-called "representatives" in our US House Science Committee and US House.....instead of a US House bought by a deadly dead energy industry that think they "own" us.
Slave owners think they "own" the many also.
Exxon knew.
Exxon needed GOP President Reagan's cash-driven privatization of public worlds, deregulation of our Rule of Law (as criminals need deregulation also) and shifting deadly costs and risks onto the many immorally, even onto their own childrens' futures, even onto their own self stupidly.
But some just don't get it and limit their counts to mechanical rates of cash that crush life on earth....not even noticing or counting or valuing the invaluable of life's fragile but critical meaning.
But the sun enables every living seed, seedling, soil, self, whole to reach up toward light of our sun every spring (in the northern hemisphere) enough to grow upwards freely enough to produce abundant riches enough to count (in cash or not) to produce abundant riches of critical but uncountable flows of air, inalienable flows of by for life to grow, uncountable flows of oxygen as O2, inalienable flows of water as H2O, uncountable flows of rich, organic topsoil and icky soil+maker production enough to grow indivisible green of by for life to grow food and shelter (countable) enough to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.
But some just don't get it ....
Get out of the way, ExxonKochBPShellHalliburtonGOP:
You had your chance.
It's the children's time to lead US now. They get it. You don't.
Step down now.
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